I read an intriguing thought today
The concept of the plastic paradox –
Every moment of our existence, our mind is selecting and producing a thought. This could be a negative thought, or a positive thought. One has to be generated.
The brain is always changing. It is just as easy to generate a negative change as it is to generate a positive one!
Now, we might argue that negative news sticks a bit more (just how news media uses negative alerts to keep you engaged).
But eventually it is in our hands. If we become a little aware of this, we can guide the sails. We can become the sailor that masters the winds – and not get blown away.
The plots have been cut and marked, there will always be a set number of occupants within us. Now these can be occupied by the good guys or the bad. The gut loving microbes or the cravings inducing ones.
This is the plastic paradox if we apply it to our gut. If we empower the bad microbes (no hate on them), they will become stronger. This strength will help them populate the gut walls, rendering the good microbes homeless! Homeless fellows have no right to stay in our gut and get flushed out.
Artificial sugars, preservatives, chemicals used to make products stay longer on our shelves all feed the harmful bacteria. By consuming more junk and packaged foods, we end up empowering the wrong microbes. This explains why a bag of chips gets consumed in a flash. Or how just the thought of a perfect pizza gets us going!What we eat empowers the microbes that would crave more of that food. They need to constantly fuel up to fight off the other side.
On the other hand, by consuming more natural foods like fruits, vegetables and fermented foods, we power up the good guys. You will notice how a salad lover craves a big bowl of salad. How some people crave that morning bowl of fresh fruits (read: me).
Imagine this - every second our body is processing information around us. Without us even realising. The gut picks up on everything around us. Every signal, every sound, every touch. They all impact our gut's work.If we consciously eat healthier, we allow the gut to crave better things. We start a chain reaction that will make it easier for us to consume fresher foods.
It takes some practice, but we take one step at a time.
Just knowing the importance of our choice should make us feel empowered.
I control my food cravings, and I decide how my mind will think today. One step at a time.